Monday, May 16, 2011


I have not posted forever. I have been seriously busy lately. We sold our place on the Gulf Islands. I could not tolerate the dampness. It caused me great distress. I have two rebuilt ears and I would get sinus problems that will wreck havoc with my new ear parts and cause vertigo.
That is not good. We have stairs in our cottage and are serious boaters.

I am still dedicated to sugarless cooking. I made sugarless chocolates today and plan to make sugarless cookies. Everyone likes these treats. They are especially nice for the grand kids. One of them is really sensitive to sugar. Everyone says that she looks just like me.

I have also been busy working on my paintings and getting ready to go fishing. I am still dealing with the sinus difficulties that I picked up on the island before we sold it and am trying to resolve the problem before I get on the boat. I find that horse radish helps. I do not like horse radish but I am using it anyway. At least it has no sugar!

