Thursday, September 17, 2009

I had a lovely Sunday dinner with our son, his wife, 2 gorgeous grand daughters and my two lovely granddogs. However, there was birthday cake and I ate a wee bit. I also had a wee bit of a ginger bread cake that was sweetened with molasses. There were also munchies from M&M's. I kept it all to a bare minimum. I brought a huge bean salad that is mostly made with Splenda in the dressing. There is about 1/4 cup of organic cane sugar in the dressing but it is a huge salad and the sugar is spread very thin. It is very difficult to get along without sugar in this world of "too much bad food"! I am glad that my daughter-in-law has a healthy respect for sugar. I brought some Nativa Organic Ginger Snaps for the kids awhile back and now that is all she buys for them. Nativa also makes Chocolate Chip cookies. That reminds me I must make myself some chocolates today. If I have a craving for something sweet I have a cup of decaf tea with 1 Splenda and a couple of my sugarless chocolates. The craving is gone immediately. God bless chocolate!

Fall is here and it is gorgeous. We went for a drive with the truck last week on the Dawson Trail and shot some grouse and cut some wood. It was one of those really lovely "Indian Summer Days". One of those days a person should be "out of doors".

The salad is very quick and easy and made with many cans of beans; 1 20 oz can black beans, one 20 oz can kidney beans, one 20 oz can chick peas; 2 20 oz cans of mixed beans; 2 20 oz cans of green beans; 2 20 oz cans of yellow beans; one green pepper diced; dressed with 1 cup vinegar with 1/4 cup organic cane sugar, 8 packets of Splenda, 1/4 cup virgin olive oil. I put this all in a 24 cup (5.6 liter|) container by Rubbermaid and gently toss. I usually make it 2 days ahead; tossing each day. It tastes great and will feed many people. There is usually left overs. I bring the salad home and we eat on it at least 2 days before it is all gone. It is great served with BBQ.

I got away with eating a bit of sugar. I can tell if I have eaten too much. I will be "mean as a snake" the next day. I think that I actually have a "flip of personality". Anyway, my husband says that "I flip out". My Mom has these "flips" too. Maybe the sugar is not totally responsible for the "flips" but is may be one of the triggers! I think that fatigue is definitely another trigger.

Fall is here and it is a lovely time of year here. We went for a ride in the truck on the Dawson Trail last week and did some gathering: wood and grouse. It was one of those days when a person should be "out of doors". It was wonderful, we got wood some grouse and had a picknick by a lake

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Great Road Trip

I just got back from a road trip into the wilds of the Yukon. We spent 10 days in complete wilderness. We went up the Nahanni Range Road and the North Canol Road with friends and it was terrific

Eating sugarless was a challenge but I managed. I must admit that I did consume some convenience foods with sugar but I kept that to a minimum. I am still "eating all I want and keeping my weight steady at about 130 pounds or thereabouts". I no longer worry about how much I weigh. It is great freedom. I still eat lots of chocolate and drink coffee. I manage very well with "Splenda" and have no ill effects from it.

I intend to make my great "Bean Salad" for "Sundy Dinner" at the kids place. I intend to use mostly "Splenda" in it with just a bit of "Organic Cane Sugar". I will comment on the success afterwards. I have already made this salad for a birthday party recently and it was successful. I made a huge salad and I used the leftovers to serve house guests for a couple days. It was well received by all and none went to waste despite the fact that I made a huge quantity. It is quick to make, good to eat, good for you and it ends up being cheap! What more can one ask........