Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sugarless eatting on a road trip.

I just got back from a quick trip out to Victoria, British Columbia. It was great. I have included a picture of the Victoria Harbor.

Now, I am going on a road trip tomorrow.
I am so excited!!! We are partnering up with friends from down south and going on a road trip up the Nahanni Range road in the Yukon Territory. I have really been looking forward to it.

There is lots of challenges; one of them being what do I have to do to maintain sugarless eating? I decided that there will be no eating places up that road so we have to do all our own cooking. This leaves me lots of room for sticking in lots of sugarless (and wheatless) options.

I made my sugarless chocolates yesterday and made a dozen corn wraps today. I also made a big pot of Moose stew with turnips, carrots, celery, onions, sweet peppers and a big can of crushed tomatoes. I will serve the moose stew for the first night. I have Ryevita Crackers to go with it for myself and buns for the other guys. It will be an easy supper. I will put some potatoes cut up in chunks to boil in a largish pot then when they are cooked I will add the Moose stew.

I have also made up chicken soup and some Halibut soup that I will treat the same way. We will cook some Moose hamburger and add it to Zatrain's Black Beans and Rice. I will serve it with wheat flour wraps for the crew and my corn flour wraps for myself.

Well, we will see how it goes. I am also bringing unsweetened cocoa and plan to make hot chocolate for myself with it.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


I'm still cooking sugarless as well as dairyless. It is showing really solid rewards. I recently returned from a 2 week boating trip with friends and I eat as much as I wanted (sugarless and dairyless, of course). I stepped hesitating on the scales expecting to have gained weight. I lost 2 pounds!!! Does this really mean that I can eat as much as I want and never get fat? If so, this is a huge discovery. Why are more people not doing this in our "fat society"?

I don't know where my eventual weight will stablize at; could it be 125 pounds; the weight that I was at 25 years old?

I went into a store and tried on some really young clothes. Guess what; they fit. They even looked good. I caught a look at my nearly naked body in the mirrors of the change room and it has abbs!! The abbs finally show after all my stretching and crunches. I guess they needed to lose some puffiness to finally show up and this happened with my change in diet. It really does not look like a 62 year old body. My, my.

NOW HEAR THIS ALL YOU POOR FOLK WHO ARE TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT AND STARVING YOURSELVES. You do not have to do that. You just have to change your diet. You cannot just eat "whatever" however, and you will have to cook "real food". But guess what; it can taste good and you can have enjoyable meals and EAT ALL YOU WANT!!!