Friday, September 24, 2010

Whey Protein or no whey protein

I have recently decided to try whey protein. I bought some (just cheap stuff and even cheap stuff is expensive about $27.00 Canadian a can) and tried it. It was chocolate and it was horrible as a shake. So......I tried making cookies with it.

I had recently found a recipe on the net using no sugar and no flour and no dairy. It involved ripe bananas and instant oatmeal. I tried this receipt and added 2 scoops of the whey protein and 2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa and some wild cranberries. I also added 8 packets of splenda. They turned out really well. The receipt made about 28 cookies or so. I eat a couple every day for a break at 10 a.m. and they are great. They are really filling and I do not want any snacks during the day and have a reduced appetite. I believe that I have more strength and energy (notice the picture where I am packing a front quarter of a woodland caribou out of the bush in Northern Yukon Territory). This strength and energy is really important for me as I have fibromyalgia. This condition was the reason that I initially started experimenting with sugarless cooking. I am really sensitive to sugar.

I think that it is probably too soon to tell if the whey protein is a good investment or not. At least it will not cost much as I use so little. This little bit business is one of the things that is important to people with FMS (fibromyalgia); a little bit goes a long way with us.

The receipe is as follows:

3 ripe bananas, 2 cups instant oatmeal, 1 egg, 2 scoops of chocolate whey protein mix, 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa, 1/3 cup soya milk, one egg, some almond pieces and some sunflower seeds, 2 tablespoons of good oil and 8 packets of splenda; ;mix dry; mix wet, combine then drop on greased cookie sheet and stick in some fresh cranberries if you have them; cook at 350f for 10 minutes.

These cookies really are great; as Julia Childs would say "Bon appitite".

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