Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dear me; here it is nearly the end of April. We are back in the Yukon Territory. I am glad to be home. We had a great trip up the Alaska Highway. I never get tired of driving up the highway. The scenery is ever changing and wonderful.

The weather at our place of residence is warm with a S. E. wind and the dump of snow that we got one night last week; that you see in the picture; is all gone and then some. The ground is just about bare and the lake looks almost ready to cast off its shell of ice. It is changing from winter to spring. We are to have a sunny, warm week; this is lovely. My studio is upstairs with windows facing the south and looking all the way down a lovely, Yukon lake. I am so enjoying it.

I am starting another foray into cooking. We are to have quests this summer and one of them cannot eat onions. Dear me; cooking without sugar and or onions; a challenge indeed.

I have been looking up receipts in both magazines and on the internet. I have found one good main dish receipt that I have modified somewhat. It is simple, fast and good and liked by all I have tried it on. It is a chicken, pasta dish and goes as follows:


2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 tsp olive oil
1 bell pepper; any color; cut into nice cubes (this is just for a splash of color more than anything)
1 cup shell pasta
2 tbls chicken soup mix or 1 cup of chicken soup broth (no MSG)
1 can mushroom soup (no MSG or onions)
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese

Boil two boneless, skinless chicken breasts until they are done in enough water that you would be able to cook a cup of shell pasta in later. I add some chicken soup broth that has no MSG. This takes about 20 minutes or so.

Cut up the bell pepper

Take the chicken out of the pot and add the cup of pasta with a tsp of olive oil.

Cut up the chicken into chunks.

Remove the water from the pot when pasta is done (I save the water for soup stock).

Add a can of mushroom soup (with no MSG or onions). Heat until chicken and soup are hot.

Pour into a casserole dish that will hold it comfortably and add 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese to the top. Place in oven or microwave and heat until cheese is melted. Serve with a lovely tossed garden salad.

The above main dish will serve 4 for 1 meal or 2 people for two meals. It keeps well in the frige so you could even make it ahead and serve it the next day.
It could easily be doubled or even tripled for a larger crowd. A crowd pleaser and easy to do; what a combo!

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