Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Starting a journey down sugarless eatting lane

It all started when I went on a "get rid of candida diet". It is necessary to avoid all sugar on this diet. To compound my challenge I was also denied all whole grains, dairy products, fish, wine beer, fruit juice or vinegars. Wow! What a challenge. For one thing, balsamic vinegar is one of the corner stones of my cookery.

My first thoughts; what do I get to eat? Well, not much. Fortunately I am still able to eat barley, thank goodness. So, for starters I can have barley soup. That's a good start. Now what?

Well, lets see: I can eat all vegetables and fruit. I can eat all meant except fish (fish was denied me because I was having a gastrointestinal reaction to it). I can use Splenda (thank goodness for small mercies). So what can I do with this. I had to think about about it carefully.

To be continued.........

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