Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How difficult can it be to eat out when you are sugarless

I went out for lunch with my son, his wife and kids and my Mom. Well, I searched and searched over many pages of a menu at Boston Pizza. You would think that in all those pages I could find something. Weellll, I did; eventually. I got a side of "garden greens" and a side of chicken wings. The salad was OK; as a matter of fact it was very good; the greens being very fresh and tasty; I am getting used to eatting salad without salad dressing. However, the roasted chicken wings were a problem. They were not supposed to have anything at all on them; just plain roasted. Guess what? There was some king of sauce on it and it had sugar in it; I could taste it.

I tried to pick off all the skin that had the sauce on it. There was not much left to eat. I ended up paying about $12.00 and going away hungry.

It is just about impossible to eat out when you are attempting to be sugarless.

I could even feel the little bit of sugar that I got. Even though I had not gotten much to eat; my stomach (besides being hungry; did not feel good). I went home and drank a lot of water and eat a lot of water melon. It seemed to get better.

I don't think that I can ever go back to sugar. I like feeling calm and in some kind of control. I wonder how I got along at all in my past 61 + years. How did anyone stand me? I don't think that most people really understand the implications of all our eatting of refined sugar to our lives, our society, our world. My word; it has to be vast. I can't wrap my head around it all..........

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